Saturday, August 31, 2019

Good to Great †by Jim Collins Essay

I found my reading of Good To Great by Jim Collins very informative and even entertaining. It is interesting to me his concepts and perceptions and how although when you read them they seem rather elementary and obvious, Mr. Collins is indeed an outside the box thinker/writer and it is because of his ease of explaining his concepts that the message simply comes across as easy. The main idea that is presented in this book is that â€Å"Good is the Enemy of Great. † At first glance I had to re-read the statement to make sure I understood it correctly. My immediate response was to understand it as all too often people, and business decision makers, have a simple goal of being good at what they do. Mr. Collins and his research team were able to whittle that idea down to a handful of concepts that although many have the perception are good, but don’t clarify their exact goals of greatness. The first concept of Good To Great was Level 5 Leadership. Companies may have great product, great sales, great marketing, etc. but what makes them better than Good? What makes takes them to the Great level? Their Leadership. During the research of this book Mr.  Collins and his team identified multiple characteristics these leaders had that lead their company above and beyond just the Good status. Of these the common factor I understood was that of humility and giving credit to his surrounding personnel. Keeping the focus off of â€Å"look what I did† but rather keeping the focus off them, but at the same time taking responsibility for the mistakes of the company as a whole that they were in charge of looking after. These personalities also showed a great level of commitment and loyalty to their companies and tended to have been promoted from within. Thus having a firm understanding of the culture of the company and knowing a long term goal of the company. Secondly the book introduced the concept of â€Å"First Who, Then What†. I related this concept to the phrase â€Å"Trimming The Fat†. Great leaders realize that if you’re only as good as your support, than you better get the right support in the right places. The Level 5 Leader would have to find those that could lead as well. If you have the right thinkers and decision makers in the right positions, then the â€Å"what† could be figured out. By having the right decision makers from the get go then the goal was already on its way to Great. By doing so you are training your supports to eventually be capable to take your place and instilling a long term succession of the company’s goals for great. The next concept given was Confront the Brutal Facts With Unwavering Faith. Expanding on having placed the right â€Å"Who† where it was most beneficial, it is equally important to stay focused no matter the difficult time. The chapter focused on sticking to your guns, having faith in your company, and seeing the obstacle though. This again focused on loyalty to the company. As time goes on and the tough time regains it’s momentum back into the right direction, Problem solving starts with asking the right questions. It’s more proactive to take control of our future than being reactive and leaving the destiny up to chance. Companies that were able to make it through the ups and downs of success on their way to Great. Another aspect was for these decision makers to be honest with them and be willing a capable of confronting the hard questions that perhaps they didn’t want the answer to. But, faced the brutal facts head on. Fourth is the â€Å"Hedgehog Concept†. This was probably my favorite concept and I think will be the most important lesson I will take and use in my career path. The comparison was stated, â€Å"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing†. I think all too often it gets confused that if you’re in charge and making decisions you have to be the most knowledgeable person in that area. Remember though, especially in the totality of the emphasis of this book, you are not alone. In the chapter, Mr. Collins worded his idea this way, â€Å"The Hedgehog Concept is a turning point in the journey from good to great. It typically takes the right people willing to address the brutal facts over an extended period of time to get to the deep understanding of a Hedgehog Concept. What a great statement. It shows the level of determination, loyalty, and staying focused that you realize your true One thing. Then you expand on that One thing. It will set you apart from the field and past the Good threshold into the level of Great! â€Å"Culture of Discipline† was the next concept. One again focusing on hard work and staying focused on your goal of surpassing into the Great realm and not just staying there but forever raising the bar. Mr. Collins focused on the idea the in this sense discipline as a system. It involves the company in it’s entirety and making sure the companies â€Å"culture is filled with people committed to discipline in keeping to the standards. Each of these concepts builds on the one before it and this one is no different. Staying true to his â€Å"Hedgehog Concept† Mr. Collins also introduces his â€Å"Three Circles† concept. By focusing on keeping a Discipline in the company, it will help keep those involved with their eye on the prize of being able to find that one thing to be great at and to stay on top. Technology Accelerator was the idea to not let technology become a crutch of sorts. Technology is like any other tool and if used properly it will assist you in your success and getting here faster or with ease. Again, building on the concept before it also emphasizes to stay with your Hedgehog circles and keeping focused on them. Technology will not make you the best or most disciplined. It is a tool and should be used to accelerate your momentum into the right direction of your company’s goals, not be the creator of the momentum. Lastly â€Å"Flywheel and Doom Loop† was used to follow up. It’s a focus on being able to identify any and all aspects that take you away from the previous concepts. You should always be looking for ways to improve and stay ahead of the pack. The world of business is ever changing which keeps the bar separating Good from Great ever moving as well. Complacency is a â€Å"Good† trait. Having a system of check and balance working together with a cleaning house mentality will help to keep your company above that bar.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Race Matters Essay

In America, society likes to believe that America is a Color Blind Society. They say they don’t see race, but just Americans. It has been noted that whites who are exposed to images or shows of upper-middle-class blacks, like the Huxtable family in The Cosby Show, the Kyle family in My Wife and Kids or the Banks family in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, believe that blacks have the same socioeconomic opportunities as whites (Gallagher 94). Media is one of the main reasons why people in today’s society might believe that America is a Color Bind Society with television shows, like the ones stated above, and celebrities, like Jay Z and P-Diddy, who are doing very well for themselves. A 1997 Gallup poll found that most whites believe that blacks have â€Å"as good a chance as whites† in the community in finding jobs and a Kaiser Family 1997 Poll found that most whites believe that blacks are doing at least as well or better than whites in income and educational attainme nt (Gallagher 98). However black men, over the age of 25, had a 12.3 percent unemployment rate in 2012 while white men, over the age of 25, had a 6.1 percent unemployment rate in 2012 (Bureau of Labor Statistics: House Hold Data Annual Averages). With that being said, in 2010, the educational attainment of black men was 17.7 percent, slightly lower than the year before, while the educational attainment of white men was 30.8 percent, slightly higher than the year before. Black men are at a disadvantage. They are already deemed as a threat to society, a stereotypical threat that is. With cases like Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis and even as far back as the case of Emmett Till, it is obvious that when a person sees a black man they will associate them with trouble. First it was whistling at a white woman, now it is a hooded sweatshirt or playing loud music in a car (Harris-Perry). â€Å"But always, this one thing has been the same. No presumption of innocence for young black men. No benefit of the doubt. Guilt not determined by what they did or said–but presumed to be inherent in their very being. They need not wield a weapon to pose a threat. Because, if you are a young, black man, who you are is threat enough† (Harris-Perry). This paper will prove how America is not a Color Blind Society through statistics and cases of how race matters, in regards to blacks especially black men. It started as early as how skin got its color. Human skin gets its color  from melanin. The primary function of melanin is to protect the skin from being damaged by the sun. Since humans are not hairy like mammals, the hairlessness exposes humans to radiation hazards, such as ordinary sunburn, but it can even expose humans to skin cancers, including malignant melanoma, which is one of the deadliest diseases (Harris 7). Humans saw race and color as early as 6000 B.C. depending on what side of the equator a person lived on (Harris 9). In Europe, fair-skin was preferred because they tended to grow up and be taller, stronger and healthier than their darker siblings, so in that part of the world white was beautiful, or preferred, because white was healthy. In the equatorial latitudes, however, it was quite the opposite since vitamin D was never in short supply, and rickets and osteomalcia were rare, darker children were preferred because they were usually free from disfiguring and lethal malignancies. In that part of the world, black was beautiful, or preferred, because black was healthy (Harris 9). If society were Color Blind, then color wouldn’t have mattered. A parent wouldn’t choose certain children simply because they happened to be lighter or darker. Natural selection, or survival of the fittest, and cultural selection, when society selects cultural traits that will enhance the survival of a civilization, wouldn’t apply to color, but it would apply to things people can actually obtain or change. A person can’t change their skin color unless they try tanning or bleaching, which holds problems in itself. As a society, race is seen. Blacks are seen as thugs, people of Arabic descent are seen as terrorist, and whites are seen as the workers, or elite. People of Arabic descent who wear traditional clothing might be stared and ridiculed at on a regular day, but imagine if that were to happen on 9/11; many people would either fear them, or be racist towards them. That wouldn’t happen to a white person on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. In The Lost Boys of Sudan, a documentary on two Sudanese refugees who leave Africa and come to America so they can start a new and better life, a group of them were asked to stop traveling in packs because store clerks were threatened by them, but in all actuality they travel in packs because they are the ones that are scared. The unknown is scary, and they are in an unfamiliar country. It is common knowledge that during the pre-Civil War era, blacks were kept ignorant but physically strong, especially black men. Blacks were not supposed to read because an educated black would begin to understand that their treatment was wrong, and not just of the norm. An educated black would’ve known that something could be done about their treatment. Many whites slave owners believed that educated blacks could start a riot especially since they were kept physically strong. Race was seen in slavery days, even within the slaves and servants. A white worker was called a servant had to be paid and were in low supply, which is why they turned to slaves who worked for free and in high supply (Zinn 9). They were viewed as property, not humans. They could be auctioned off like a person auctions off his car, these days. Race was seen back in those days, and it is still seen today. A study showed that if a black man pushed a white man, 75 percent saw it as violence were as 6 percent saw it has horsing around or dramatic. In contrast, if a white man pushed a black man 17 percent saw it as violence and 42 percent saw it has horsing around or dramatic. â€Å"America’s nightmare. Young black and didn’t give a fuck† (Menace II Society 1993). This referred to a young black male who was deemed a menace to society. A person would rarely, if ever, use the term menace to society to describe a young white male; they would use a term like â€Å"troubled teen.† Teenagers are known for being reckless and careless, a Color Blind Society would have said America’s nightmare: young and didn’t give a fuck, but since black was added, it shows people that race matters. Black isn’t desirable it is feared. White is desirable, even Hitler tried to make blond haired, blue eyed society. No one has ever successfully tried to make a black only society. Race is a social concept because the idea of race has changed so much over time (Omi & Winant 18). In contemporary British politics the term black was referring to anyone being nonwhite (Omi & Winant 19). But a Jamaican or Latino would be offended being called black because one, they are not black, and two, black is not desirable. It has been noted that black men are frequently stopped and frisked by the police whether they are driving a car or just walking down the street. Black  men, especially those who live in New York, have encountered many impromptu frisking. Although blacks only makeup 23.4 percent of the New York City population, they make up 53 percent of the New York police stops. In Contrast, Whites, Asians and Native Americans make 47.3 percent of the New York City population, but they make up 13.3 percent of the New York police stops. This means a black person is about four times more likely to be pulled over in New York than White, Asian or Native American person, but society wonders why blacks are disproportionally represented in prisons. Even more specifically more black men were stopped by the NYPD in 2011 than there are black men in New York City. Black men only make up 1.9 percent of the New York City Population, but make up 25.6 percent of NYPD stops. Black men are feared that is why police stop them. They stop them because police believe that they are up to no good. The way they dress may be a factor but it is not the reason they are stopped and frisked so frequently because the police have no problem stopping and frisking a well-groomed black man. Since 2003, the NYPD stop and frisks have increased by 600 percent (Mathias 2012). They have even gone as far as stopping and frisking people in their buildings, with their landlord’s permission. It is called â€Å"Operation Clean Halls†, which has been in effect since 1991. It allows police to do â€Å"vertical patrols† that allows them to go into private buildings and do stop-and-frisk searches in hallways. Almost every private building in the B ronx allows Operation Clean Halls, which population coincidentally has 30.1 percent blacks (2010 Census). In the first three months, last year, the NYPD stopped and frisked people 203,500 times. Two men sued the NYPD because they were forced out of their livery cabs and were searched by cops. Both men accused police of racial profiling and unlawful searches. Being able to pull a person out of their cab and search them should be illegal. It is understandable that the police want to minimize crime in their cities, but people still have the right under the Fourth Amendment to not have to undergo any unlawful search and seizures. About 15,000 police stops over the last six years are unconstitutional and lack legal justification and 9 out of 10 of those stopped in 2011 were not even arrested, which in other words means, had little to no reason to be stopped. The police shouldn’t have the right to search a person without probable cause. Race is not probable cause. Actually the â€Å"crime control policies of the Regan and Bush administration in the 1980s, which many academics believe to be partially responsible for the increased use of policing tactics such as racial profiling, have been disastrous for minorities, particularly young Black males. Likewise, young males, especially young Black males in their late teens and early twenties, are disproportionately represented in arrest statistics and thus, as a social group are often the targets of the police. In recent years, however, as racial profiling emerged as a highly visible intersection of racism and policing, the broader problem of racially biased policing has become considerably more important† (Reitzel & Piquero). Racial profiling also proves how America is not a Color Blind Society. Pulling over, unreasonable and unethical stop and frisks, stereotypes etc. are all ways proving America sees race. Those all prove that race and color matter to some, if not most, if not all. The Trayvon Martin case opened a lot of questions on racial profiling that had been ignored before. Trayvon Martin was a 17-year-old black male who was gunned down by a 28-year-old Hispanic American male on February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida. George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s murderer, saw Martin come into the neighbor and called the police because he looked suspicious. Martin had on a hoodie and sweatpants, something most kids these days wear especially when it’s a rainy day. Martin was walking to his father’s house who lived in the neighborhood and talking on the phone with his girlfriend holding a bag of skittles and an iced tea because he had just left the store. Although the dispatcher told Zimmerman to wait for the police to get there, Zimmerman took it upon himself to follow Martin. There was a brawl and a gunshot was fired. Martin was pronounced dead at about 7:15 that night. No one canvassed the area to see if anyone knew Martin because they assumed he was trespassing. No one uses Martin’s cell phone to locate his family. Martin’s own father thought he was missing for three days because they said he was a John Doe in the morgue. His body was even tested for drugs and alcohol. Although Zimmerman admitted to murdering Martin, he was only questioned and released and no charges were brought against him, the night of the incident. Zimmerman wasn’t charged with Martin’s murder until April 11, 2012, almost a month and half after the incident. Many people  argued Zimmerman was not arrest because there were ambiguities, but since he admitted to the murder the prosecutor should bring upon those ambiguities during trial. Other argued Zimmerman was not arrested due to the Stand Your Ground Law. The Stand Your Ground Law clearly states, a person is not allowed to use deadly force, unless, â€Å"He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony† (Hutchinson 2012). In that case, the Stand Your Ground Law should’ve protected Martin. Zimmerman chased Martin. Zimmerman had a gun while Martin was unarmed. Therefore, Martin was the victim, but since he was a black man, he was deemed as a threat. America clearly didn’t get the message because close to a year after the death of Trayvon Martin, the death of Jordan Davis arose in Jacksonville, Florida. Jordan Davis was another 17-year-old black male shot to death. Michael Dunn, a 45-year-old white man, murdered him but unlike the Trayvon Martin shooting, there were witnesses. Dunn allegedly told Davis and three other men in the car to turn down their music, but after a few negative words were exchanged between Dunn and Davis, shots were fired. Again, the murderer tried to go for self-defense under the Stand Your Ground Law in Florida. Davis was unarmed, like Martin. Davis was the victim but still he was deemed as a threat. Unlike the Martin case, it only took a month for Dunn to be convicted of first-degree murder, however, Zimmerman is still not convicted and his trial begins June 10, 2013. Even before Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin, there was Emmett Till. Till was a 14-year-old boy from Chicago who was visiting relatives in Mississippi. On the night of August 24, 1955, Till allegedly approached a white woman in a grocery store. While the stories are unclear of what Till actually did, the husband of the white woman, Roy Bryant, was offended. Bryant thought his wife’s honor was tarnished after being approached by a black boy. A few nights after the incident, Bryant and his half brother, J. W. Milam, kidnapped Till, beat him, shot him, after seeing a picture of a white woman in his wallet, and then threw him into the river. Although Bryant and Milam were charge with murder, an all-male, all-white jury acquitted them. Bryant  and Milam told the truth to an Alabama reporter, William Bradford Hule, since they could not be charged again due to the Fifth Amendment. Emmett Till wasn’t a threat. He didn’t hurt the white woman. His murder was premeditated. He was taken from a relative’s home, beaten and killed, but they couldn’t just stop there. They couldn’t just leave his body there. They took his lifeless body and throw it into the river hoping it would never be discovered, leaving his family wondering. Jordan Davis wasn’t a threat. He was shot in a car for playing loud music. The police found no weapons in the vehicle. Trayvon Martin wasn’t a threat; an armed man chased him down. He tried to fight back which resulted in his death. After his death, no one tried to locate his family but instead left him in the morgue to rot because they assumed he was trespassing in the neighborhood. Proper protocol was not used with the arrest of his murderer. It took over a month for him to be arrested, even after Zimmerman admitted to the murder since there were ambiguities, they let him go after questioning. All those cases would have been handled different if national attention wouldn’t have shinned light on the wrongdoing. It’s not always about putting someone in jail, but fixing the problem. The consequences to not having a Color Blind Society leads to things like racial profiling, racism as a whole, stereotypes, bullying etc. It also leads to minorities not being able to have a fair chance at life. When people hear things like, 5 percent of blacks with a criminal record will get a call back in terms of jobs, while 17 percent of whites with a criminal record will get a call back in terms of jobs and 14 percent of blacks without a criminal record will get a call back in terms of jobs, while 34 percent of whites without a criminal record will get a call back in terms of jobs, in enrages people (Pager 233). However, it also opens the eyes of a lot of people. Race matters when it comes to jobs. It has been noted that if two exact resumes were turned into a job, but the names were different. The person with the â€Å"traditionally white† name would be called back before a person with a â€Å"traditional black† or â€Å"ghetto† name. It also matters when a white man receives three times as many job offers as an equally qualified black who interviewed for the same positions (Gallagher 98). But not only are minorities just not called back for jobs, but Black and Hispanic job applications suffer blatant and easily identifiable discrimination one in every five times they apply for a job (Gallagher 99). In fact, many blacks are overqualified for the jobs they hold (Sterba 124). .Race matters when it comes to the war on drugs. Since 53 percent of juvenile drug offenses are by blacks while 26 percent of juvenile drug offenses are by whites (America’s Racial Report Card 410). However, in terms of the usage of drugs, whites use drugs more than blacks, but since blacks are more likely to be arrested for drugs because they are more likely to be searched, blacks makeup a large percentage of prisons. The purpose for the war on drugs is to stop the usage and distribution of drugs, however, since the police force mainly focuses on black usage and distribution of drugs, the war on drugs will remain a war. Race matters when it comes to getting loans for housing. Since minority applicants are 50 percent more likely to be denied a loan than white applicants of equivalent economic status. More specifically, blacks seeking loans are two to three times more likely to be rejected than whites and blacks were 12 times more likely to be rejected tan whites at the highest level of assets and collateral (Gallagher 98), which is the reason why it is harder for black to remain middle class. Last, but certainly not least, race matters when it comes to education. Although blacks are at a low percentile when it comes to attending college or university, those who actually earn a degree still face racial inequalities. Blacks with a bachelor’s degree earn as much as $15,180 less than their white counterparts and although native-white males make up only 41 percent of the United States population, they comprise 80 percent of all tenured professors, 97 percent of all school superintendents, and 97 percent of all argil positions in Fortune 100 industrial and Fortune 500 service companies (Sterba 123). With those statistics, minorities don’t stand a chance because even when they try to better themselves and get an education or a job, they face discrimination. They face hardships. They face inequality. If race didn’t matter there wouldn’t be a black history month, where people highlight the â€Å"first blacks† to do something, or the blacks who stood for change. If race didn’t matter there wouldn’t be Census specifying gender and race, such as the unemployment rates, dropout rates, poverty rates, or educational attainment rates of blacks, or more specifically, of black men. If race didn’t matter, Trayvon Martin wouldn’t even be dead from the result of George Zimmerman’s gun because Zimmerman wouldn’t have followed him because he would have never looked â€Å"suspicious.† If race didn’t matter, no  one would have cared that Roy Bryant was white and that he killed an innocent black boy, but that a young child was dead in result of the rage of a husband. If race didn’t matter, some statistics wouldn’t even be relevant because most statistics foundatio n is based off of racial inequality. Most importantly, if race didn’t matter, something else would. America is not a Color Blind Society, which has been showed through statistics and the cases of Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis and Emmett Till. America notices race more than anything else. America first sees black then sees a black man. A person looks at news reports and it would state the race before anything. People wouldn’t know how to function in a Color Blind Society because race has matter for so long, racism is becoming the norm.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Economics of Race and Gender Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics of Race and Gender - Assignment Example The important advantages of specialization and exchange within the family were also analyzed in this chapter. The authors further explained that, the reasons that, women do some house chores better in it is due to the fact that, they specialize in these works. Economies of scale were highlighted as one of the advantages of families as the price of the commodity required within the family tend to be reduced due to the fact that, they are required in large quantities. Other advantages of the families are: the availability of public goods or shared consumption within the family, externalities in consumption as two people that care for each other tend to derive satisfaction from the happiness of the other party, risk pooling, family investments that occur due to the marital relationship within the family and certain institutional advantages (Blau, Ferbr & Marianne). The author also looked at the negative side of specialization. The unequal sharing of housework is one of the disadvantages of specialization as the women tend to do the bulk of the work in the house and this tends to deny them of some salient market opportunities. Other disadvantages of specialization as mentioned in the chapter are: the transformation that affects the female gender especially throughout their life in the family as she tends to her children, she does not have the kind of time that her husband has for leisure. Another disadvantage of specialization is the cost of not being able to exist or survive without the other members of the family. Domestic violence and tastes and bargaining power were also mentioned as disadvantages of specialization. The Marxist and feminist views of the family which were based on the marital and sexual exploitation of women in the family were also analyzed in the chapter as the men tend to be the ones making the decisions in the family. Other alternatives to economic approaches such as the bargaining models and the transaction

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Company law (hong kong) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Company law (hong kong) - Essay Example They are the mainspring of the company. Speaking about the importance of directors, Neville J. observed in Bath v. Standard Land Co. (1910) 2 chapter 408 that "Board of directors are the brain and the only brain of the company which is the body, and the company can and does act only through them". It is only "When the brain functions that the corporation is said to function2". They (Directors) must account for all the company's money and property over which they exercise control. They have to refund to the company any of its money or property which they have improperly paid away or transferred. However, directors are not trustees in the real sense of the word because they are not vested with the ownership of the company's property. It is only as regards some of their obligations to the company and certain powers that they are regarded as trustees of the company. Alexander v. Automatic Telephone Co. (1900). The directors of a company paid up nothing on their own shares. They however, made all the other shareholders pay 39.6d on each share. They did a breach of trust, and the directors were bound to pay to the company 35.6d on each of their shares. In Pi In Piercy v .S Mills & Co. Ltd (1920). The directors of the company had the power to issue the uninsured shares of the company. The company was in no need of further capital but the directors made a fresh issue to themselves and their supporters with a view to maintain control of the company. Held the allotment was invalid and void. In Peraval V. Wright, (1902). The directors of a company bought shares from a shareholder, while they were negotiating for the sale of the company to another of a very high price and they did not disclose this fact to the shareholder. The shareholder sued to have the sale set a side. Held the sale was binding as the directors were under no obligation to disclose negotiations to the shareholder. The law imposes these directors' duties upon them so that they are not allowed to "capitalise their strategic position in the company to serve their own interest 3". The Australian Uniform companies act has incorporated statutory provisions containing an explicit reference to the judiciary obligation of directors towards their companies. Section 24 of the Australian Companies Act states: i. A director shall at all times act honestly and use reasonable

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

FMCG COMPANIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FMCG COMPANIES - Essay Example The company has invited actress Katty Holmes to be its global brand ambassador in order to promote the Olay products. The actress has been actively involved in various ads and mass media ads. The fact that the company has attracted such superstar as Katie Holmes has made the campaign successful. Celebrity endorsement in case of Olay has made the brand more recognizable in the eyes of potential customers. Also, it is possible to suggests that the presence of Mrs. Holmes has helped to increase loyalty of customers and reliability towards the brand. P&G has rolled out the #BestBeautiful campaign across multiple channels including TV, print, social media, and in-store displays, where the celebrity encouraged women â€Å"to never settle in any aspects of their life, including caring for their skin† (, 2014, n.p.). Olay is very active in social media networks. It has 1.9 million fans and 61,000 followers (Lacy, 2014). For promoting its campaign Olay actively utilizes both Facebook and Twitter in order to communicate with and engage its target audience. Botanicals face moisturizer is an organic skin moisturizer enriched with natural herbs and oils (Botanicals, 2014). The brand is positioning itself as a producer of organic and natural cosmetics and therefore its niche is quite narrow. While there is no information available regarding the Awards to the Botanicals face moisturizer, the company gets awards for its products, such as: The Green Parent Natural Beauty Awards, Free From skin care Awards, Best Organic Facial Skincare, and the Natural and Organic Awards 2010 (, 2014). For promoting its products, the Botanicals focuses on promoting the quality of its products, the natural benefits, and organic ingredients used for blended by hand products. That is why the marketing promotion is limited in the company as it relies on the brand’s reputation. In order to grow its reputation, the company is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cultural Issues in Public Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Issues in Public Schools - Essay Example Before going to discuss cultural issues in public schools and their association with anthropology, let us get a better understanding of what culture actually is. Culture represents customs and traditions, which people belonging to any specific country or society adopt. If we talk about culture with respect to the concept of culture in public schools, we can say that culture of public schools depends on the overall culture of a country. If a country is diverse ethnically and culturally, the culture of the public schools will also be diverse which will raise cultural issues in the schools along with some benefits for the students. The thesis statement of this paper is that ‘Cultural issues that occur in public schools of culturally diverse countries affect the overall culture of the public schools’. Cultural Issues in Public Schools Cultural issues in public schools refer to those issues, which occur between the students belonging to different cultures and societies. â€Å"Cultural diversity in the classroom opens the minds of students to an enriching experience† (Borkar, 2010). .In a society having the diverse culture, different kinds of cultural issues occur along with benefits for students. Some of the common examples of cultural issues in public schools include the low level of understanding between students, discrimination, and language proficiency.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Inferential Statistics (m4c) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Inferential Statistics (m4c) - Essay Example Therefore, identification of the population among whom the new and the current combination of drugs are to be compared is necessary. Let the population thus selected be the adult and adolescent population in the United States. There are literature considering differential effectiveness of highly active antiretroviral therapy among patients of different gender and race. (King et al., 2008; Campo, Alvarez, Santos, & Latorre, 2005). However, part of the difference may be attributed to availability of the drug, following the prescribed regimen and lifestyle, rather than any inherent difference in genetic composition. Nevertheless, it will be a good policy at the initial stage to limit the experiment among adult and adolescent Caucasian males to protect against possible confounding effects. Once the population is identified, a sample of specific size needs to be selected. The sample size will depend on the power of the testing procedure, which is outside of the purview of the present consideration. Current guidelines recommend start of antiretroviral therapy when the disease has progressed to WHO Stage III when CD4 cell count is less than 350/ÃŽ ¼l. This may be taken to be the baseline criterion for inclusion. Also, the standard guidelines for adherence to the protocol, testing for baseline resistance etc must be satisfied to be included in the drug testing. Any one of these regimens needs to be chosen for the new drug to be compared against. Ideally this experiment would be a matched case-control study. Two HIV/AIDS patients with very similar profiles with respect to advancement of disease, CD4 cell counts, age, sexual orientation and other possible factors that may have bearings on the disease are to be randomly assigned either to the cocktail drug regimen or to the new drug regimen. However, there may be ethical consideration to such assignment. Without informed

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ummary of the New Testament Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ummary of the New Testament - Term Paper Example Love, which is the focal message of the Bible is widely discussed by the different authors and explicated in various ways. Warnings are given to the audiences about the end of the world, the second life and the doom of evil men in the gospels and discuss at large the kingdom of heaven or the famous millennial reign of Jesus in the book of Revelation written by John the beloved or the apostle. The gospels written by Matthew and Luke narrate the immaculate conception of Jesus through the virgin maiden named Mary, who was at that time engaged to be married to Joseph. Thoughts of breaking away from her silently because of the shame the circumstance could bring them were not implemented by Joseph because of his vision of an angel who explained to him that the baby Mary bore was from the Holy Spirit so instead he married her. Isaiah 7:14 gives this prophecy and was reiterated in Matthew 1:23. As popularly depicted during Christmas season, Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem for the census ordered by Caesar Augustus for the entire Roman world (Luke 2:1-7). This is referred as the fulfillment of the prophecy in Micah 5:2 as echoed by Matthew in chapter 2 verse 6 saying, â€Å"But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are not the least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you shall come a ruler who will shepherd My people Israel†. The baby was borne and was named Jesus whose last record of his childhood was when he was found at the temple questioning and sharing with the teachers the word of God. While the aforementioned gospels started their narration from the birth of Jesus, Mark and John the apostle meet up with them in the start of Jesus’ ministry only giving a few lines to trace back the objective of the Savior’s coming to the world with the introduction of John the Baptist. After Jesus was baptized, He was led to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1-10, Mark 1:9-13, Luke 4:1-13) and when he successfully overcame the t emptations, He went back to His town and started performing miracles, the turning of water to wine being the first of them (John 2:1-11). Other miracles which have been discussed as well in the four books like the healing of the sick, driving out of demons from possessed people, raising of the dead and feeding of many people. The most famous of which is the feeding of the five thousand from the lunch box of a young boy which contained two fishes and five loaves of bread, found in all the gospels (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:31-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:5-15). The most important objective of the four gospels is the reason why Jesus came to this earth, that is, to die on the cross so that the sins of men will be forgiven. After calling his twelve disciples and training them, performing many miracles, teaching and preaching the word of God for three years, Jesus was condemned to die by the teachers of the law, accusing him of blasphemy, claiming to be God because He claimed to be the Son o f God. Judas, one of His disciples betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and sent the soldiers to the Mount of Olives for His arrest. Jesus was then brought to Caesar for his conviction and was sentenced to death which started His sufferings

Idealized versus Real Identity in Carson's Audubon Essay - 2

Idealized versus Real Identity in Carson's Audubon - Essay Example For Carson,   James Audubon’s realist works are not authentic because they signify forced renditions of natural birds. She presents a unique notion of the difference between substance and form in human identity. In â€Å"Audubon,† Carson uses image, diction, sarcasm, and metaphor to argue that, when people are blinded with their love for physical appearance and social stratification, they cannot perceive the difference between human form and substance and see the truth about their identities.The poem employs images of inauthentic portrayals of birds to depict the disparity between people’s perception and the reality of their identity. The images of the birds cannot be trusted as truthful because they are dead, in the same way, that perceptions of humanity tend to be false because people base them on idealistic, but inaccurate, views of themselves. Carson puts open and close quotation marks on the phrase â€Å"drawn from nature† (2) because Audubon did no t paint them as they are. Audubon paints them, not as they are, but as how he wants them to be. Carson accentuates that â€Å"†¦[Audubon] hated the unvarying shapes/of traditional taxidermy† (5-6). She suggests that he is not satisfied with the roughness of actual animal nature. He prepares them to be more palatable to his tastes and audience. But to change nature indicates deception. Some people also enjoy deceiving others with appearances. They will enhance or hide their natural features, in order for them to be acceptable in their society. Furthermore, a number of people take pains in being who they are not. Carson emphasizes how Audubon changes what a bird must be, according to how he wants them to be seen.   She describes the â€Å"flexible armatures of bent wire and wood/ on which he arranged bird skin and feathers† (7-8).   Nothing is natural in his paintings because the actions of the birds and their appearances are contrived.